- Move to Improve by Drew Howerton
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- 🔍️ Revisiting some old favorites
🔍️ Revisiting some old favorites
5 health and fitness articles you should read and take to heart
Hi everyone! We’re taking it easy today. I was just on a vacation with friends over the long weekend. I didn’t announce it last week, but I should’ve known I wouldn’t have it in me to crank out a high quality piece this week, so I’m going to invite you to revisit some past favorites.
There are also a lot of new folks here, so I’d love to introduce you to some of the “staple” pieces of the repertoire here at Move to Improve.
Hope you enjoy!
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The post that started it all:
Revisit the first article I ever wrote for Move to Improve. This concept is largely what inspired me to start writing MTI. It’s absolutely incredible how drastically we can improve our health by going from “0” to literally anything!
Eyes on your own paper:
This oldie but goodie deserves some more love. We’ve all heard that comparison is the thief of joy. I believe that’s especially true in fitness. Stop comparing your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 10. It doesn’t get easier; you just get better!
Sleep better:
I will be implementing most of these tonight, as I am desperately in need of rest after a very fun but very tiring weekend! Quick & simple tips to drastically improve your sleep quality & quantity.
One step north > 1,000 steps south
This is another more philosophical article that is well worth the read. It’s also a concept I hold dear: It’s not your current position that matters; it’s the direction you’re headed. Thus, one step in the right direction is more powerful than 1,000 steps in the wrong one.
Be a well-rounded athlete:
Those who specialize in one aspect of fitness often sacrifice other areas. If you’re a competitive athlete, those trade-offs are worth it. But if you’re just a regular person who wants to improve your fitness, healthspan, vitality, and/or aesthetics, you can benefit greatly from being a “hybrid athlete.” Dabbling in a bit of everything and being above average in every area is probably the biggest bang-for-your-buck that you can get out of your fitness journey.
I hope you find some time to enjoy at least one of the articles above today! I’d love to hear what piques your interest and what you’d like deeper dives on. 🏊️
✅ Take Action
Every newsletter's Take Action section will invite you to take small steps to improve your health. Recognizing that we all have different capabilities, I'll offer three different levels of action you can choose to take.
Level 1: Read one article above.
Level 2: Read a couple articles above and implement one material change in your life from each.
Level 3: Read ‘em all and keep on goin’, baby! You can find all previous newsletters on the website. Share with your friends and loop them into this journey with us 😁
This newsletter is brought to you by… me!
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✍️ Drew's Picks:
None today; I already gave you enough homework in revisiting previous editions. 😉
See y’all back here next week for a regularly scheduled brand spankin’ new article! Stay tuned 🎵
Keep moving,
The content in Move to Improve is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. It is always a good idea to consult with a trusted health professional before making any major lifestyle changes that could have a significant impact on your health. This is not a medical resource, and any opinions and articles are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional. Please think critically and take what I say with a grain of salt (aka don’t sue me).